Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, Nothing...

The city of Springdale did not issue a single new commercial building permit in the second quarter of 2011.

What a return on your investment, folks.

Just consider for a moment that the city gives the Springdale Chamber of Commerce $200,000 annually for economic development.  Mayor Sprouse seems to have a real generous nature towards his traveling companions since this is more than Little Rock gives their chamber - a city with almost three times the population of Springdale.


  1. “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein:
    and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”
    Proverbs 26

  2. .

    Hey, Pandora, how's about a report on the socialism baseball stadium?
    Any report on attendance? Gate fees?
    Is it still going broke in the long run as the city stated it would not pay for itself, that is the city told us that ONE YEAR after it began.
    Inquiring Minds Want to Know?!


  3. Being in the industry I am, I have the access to see commercial development long before the general public does. With that being said there is nothing in the works for the city of Springdale!! NOTHING at all! Being a long time citizen of Springdale its sad to see where we are heading. Every major city has a pit fall in its community and Im afraid to say it but Springdale is becoming that. Just last week I saw atleast 4 big developments come through my office and not a one was in Springdale. Our Chamber is a joke!! Something must be done to turn this once great community around! For starters Webb needs to go!

  4. Which City are these developments in? That is exciting! It has been a while since I have heard anything new in the paper!
