Friday, January 15, 2010

Transit Committee Looks For Money

The Morning News recently reported how an advisory board for Ozark Regional Transit is in serious need of funds.

Former Springdale Mayor Jerre Van Hoose is honorary chairman of the committee that calls itself Advocates for Public Transit.

Was the future of mass transit on anyone's mind when they decided $50 million in tax debt for a baseball stadium was a grand idea?

1 comment:

  1. "Once we plan we have to figure out a way to make it happen."
    Jerry Van Hoose in The Moron News.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but, don't plans usually involve the resources you have or reasonably expect to have or, that have been promised?

    Van Hooser's statement reflects the status of Springdale all too well.

    It was nice to plan a stadium that loses money without plans to make up for the lost revenue. It was stupid to NOT PLAN to have improved access to the stadium or to plan it then figure it out later...take it from another budget.

    When I think of Springdale's civic planning of late I look at that mini jail they have on Emma Ave which serves as a public place.

